Corporate Chair
The benefits of corporate massage are far reaching for employees and employers alike. If you’re thinking about bringing chair massage into the office, you probably want to know what the benefits of chair massage might look like for your office.
1. Reduces stress
A whopping 85% stress reduction! Stress levels measured before and after each massage found one of the biggest benefits of seated massage therapy to be a seriously effective office stress reliever.
2. Decreases anxiety and depression
One of the big benefits of office massages is that massage reduces anxiety by 26% and depression scores also improve by 28% after the massage.
3. Relieves muscle tension and pain
Back pain is literally cut in half with regular corporate chair massages. A decrease of 48% decrease was seen in the studies on back pain and tension.
4. Improves quality of sleep
Over multiple studies, the average improvement in sleep quality was 28%. That includes increased duration as well as fewer sleep disturbances.
5. Relieves headaches
Headaches are decreased by and average of 48% in duration and intensity with regular onsite massages.
6. Lowers blood pressure
Across multiple studies, there was an average of a 6% drop in blood pressure, which may not sound like a lot. But that’s literally the difference between a hypertensive blood pressure and normal one, and that’s without any medication at all! Plus these studies showed that there was a lasting effect and the benefits of corporate massage programs showed very clearly as the massage group continued to have lower blood pressure than the control groups for weeks after treatment stopped.
7. Prevents repetitive strain injuries
On employees doing repetitive movements, weekly chair massage reduces the occurrence of repetitive stress injuries by 37%.
8. Increases immune function
In the studies on immune function, the good cells of the body perform 35% better as one of the benefits of corporate chair massage, and this is especially true for auto immune and inflammatory illnesses.
9. Treats carpal tunnel and tendonitis
One of the benefits of chair massage programs is that people with carpal tunnel and tendonitis issues see a decrease in pain and discomfort by 14%.
10. Increases focus, energy and mental clarity
After chair massages, employees in two studies show increased alertness, speed and accuracy on math computations following treatment.
Let me reiterate that these numbers are all from 15-20 minute chair massages at work!